
The Year of 2022: A Round Up

Well, what a year it’s been. 2022 has seen many ups and down. The year started with the world continuing to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic and continued with the celebrations for Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Later this year, we saw the sad passing of Her Majesty, the cost of living crisis that has gripped the country and our finances. But just like the years before, our amazing teachers have continued their amazing work saving lives/caring for others/educating others. 

Here is a little recap of the highs and lows of the year and the major campaigns we’ve enjoyed here at Discounts for Teachers

2022 was the year we helped you get your finances in order and saw the return of the abroad holiday. With COVID travel restrictions no longer in place, many of us dug out our suitcases and sunglasses and jetted off to countries worldwide. 

The Cost of Living Crisis

Households across the UK are expected to feel a financial squeeze within the coming months thanks to soaring energy prices and the increase in National Insurance–both come into effect in April. Learn more about how we support teachers and education staff below.

Unfortunately, the UK (and our finances) have been hit by the cost of living crisis this year which has led to increased prices across different industries. From the cost of food in the supermarket to the price of gas and electricity, many of us we’ve had to take a serious look at how we spend our money. Experts conclude several factors, including the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Covid-19, environmental issues, and commodity prices, have caused the Cost of Living Crisis UK. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how long it could go on. 

For example, electricity has traditionally been produced in the UK by burning fossil fuels in power stations. With the rise of the Green agenda and a focus on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, older power stations are closing down.

Through our research, we discovered that Discounts for Teachers members can save £2262* annually across various categories, including fashion, travel, household bills and much more.

Our members annually save £2,262* a year using our Discounts for Teachers
91% of members say the discounts help them afford a higher quality of life
23% of members are more likely to be ‘engaged employees’ than non-members 

Covid-19 also impacted the state of the world that cannot go unacknowledged. The pandemic has affected our health, but it has also caused social and economic issues. Because of the pandemic, there is a state of economic fragility within specific industries, such as transport, travel, entertainment, leisure, and hospitality. As a result, this has contributed to the cost of living UK crisis.

But as tough times have got tougher, we know it is more important than ever to save money.  So we’ve been here for you all year with real deals that can make a difference. 

Introducing Small Business Saturday

You can find enormous savings with local and independent businesses through Discounts for Teachers. We’ll be adding new local discounts at your favourite brands over the coming months, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on this page, so you never miss a discount.

Earlier this year, we introduced our Local & Independent discounts to highlight the incredible businesses across the country. With that, it meant we could take part in Small Business Saturday 2022.

Small Business Saturday is an annual event which takes place each year. It’s a grassroots campaign that highlights the success of small businesses and encourages customers to shop small and support those small and medium businesses in their local communities.

While Small Business Saturday 2022 is the perfect occasion to celebrate everything small business related, the campaign also aims to encourage customers to shop small more often and support small businesses.


 For the month of September, we introduced a new campaign, SepSavetember, to help you save. From weekly exclusives to giveaways, you can discover more ways to save. Make sure to sign up for FREE, so you don’t miss out on any of our SepSavetember discounts. 

With an increase in the cost of living, along with everything else going on in the world, times are tough, but we aren’t letting that hit our wallets. With our SepSavetember discounts, we can help you save money across all major categories, including fashion, retail, home and garden, and even on your monthly bills.

The Passing of Her Majesty The Queen

September saw a huge historical event when Buckingham Palace sadly announced that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away at age 96 after reigning for 70 years. 

As the country entered a period of mourning, we celebrated her many achievements and the help and support she offered to NHS staff throughout her long reign. The Queen first sat on the throne in 1952, and over her impressive reign, she witnessed enormous social change. Throughout the rapidly changing world, Queen Elizabeth II became a constant point that we leaned on for support and morale.

Tragically, her passing left the nation mourning its longest-serving monarch, but it also allowed us to reflect on the profound impact Her Majesty had. 

It is fair to say that it’s been a bit of a whirlwind with plenty of changes. But one thing we have been able to rely on is the hard work and kindness of the education staff and plenty of discounts.

Here is to another successful year of saving money at Discounts for Teachers in 2023. Not a member? Get signed up for FREE savings in 2023!

Teachers Discount List
Are you searching for a specific discount? Why not take a look at our A-Z Teachers Discount list that is updated monthly? Click the button below to discover more.
New In Discounts
Are you searching for new Teacher discounts? We continually work with new brands across various categories, such as travel, fashion, finance, and much more.