
The Best Films To Watch This Christmas

Who doesn’t love cuddling up in front of the TV to watch Christmas films with their family?

Nothing beats watching Christmas films, does it? And there are 100s of classics that never get old.  So, grab your blanket, hot chocolate, and the tv remote and get ready to start feeling festive.

10. A Christmas Carol (2009)

The classic tale gets an animated twist with the animated Christmas Carol.

Despite keeping it fun and enjoyable, it really sticks to the original story. So, dim the lights and get the family together and watch Jim Carrey as Scrooge.

9. Love Actually (2003)

Fancy a Christmas romcom?

This film will have you laughing one minute to crying the next. Christmas is all about love and what’s a better way to embrace that than watching a film which shows 9 intertwined stories about love at Christmas.

8. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)

If you think your Christmas is hectic, watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation I promise you will feel a lot better about your Christmas!

If anything could go wrong, It does. This film is one for the whole family. It’s a comedy Christmas classic!

7. The Santa Clause (1994)

Tim Allen as Santa need I say more?

There no better way to start our top ten than a backstory of how one man becomes Santa Clause. From accidentally killing Santa to being magically transported to the north pole this film has everything you could ever want in a family fun Christmas film. It will have you and the kids in fits of laughter.

6. The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

Want A light twist on the classic Christmas carol? Well, what’s a better way to lighten it up than with the Muppets?

The kids will love the mix of comedy and magic. This is one which you and the kids can settle down to watch.

5. The Polar Express (2004)

A magical train that takes kids to the north pole… enough said!

This is a magical Christmas film which takes you on a journey of children trying to rediscover their belief in Christmas. this festive film is a feel-good film about family and friends in the spirit of Christmas. A wonderful Christmas adventure for the whole family.

4. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

So you want to watch I classic I hear you say?

You can’t get more classic than this. This film is a roller-coaster of emotions. From laughter to sobbing, at the end of the film, you will feel so content and grateful for life. It’s a real heart-warming film and a definite watch this Christmas.

3. Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

Do you know a Grinch?

Know someone who never in the mood for festive celebrations? Make them watch this take of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. At the end, they will realize it better to embrace the spirit of Christmas and not be a Grinch!

2. Elf (2003)

You might think we are a cotton headed ninny muggins but Elf is our number 2!

Buddy the elf travels to New York to find his real family, only to get himself in trouble with his naivety. This heart-warming Christmas comedy is the best way to finish off your Christmas to-do list. Watch the kids be in awe of buddy the elf and the adults not being able to stop laughing at the witty comedy.

1. Home Alone (1990)

Of course our top film is Home Alone!

Its every kid’s dream for them to be able to do whatever they want with no family to tell them what to do.

Well, this film will show the whole family how Christmas is about love and family. As well as the heart filled message this film will have you in stitches as young Kevin McCallister takes us on a journey of a mischievous lead up to Christmas when he’s left home alone.

What’s your favourite Christmas film? What have we missed and do you agree with our number 1?

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