School Sports Day: Fun Games & Activity Ideas

School sports day is an important part of the academic calendar and is a great way to encourage your students to work together and engage in healthy competition. Sports day is usually a sign that summer is here, so pupils, teachers, and parents can get together outdoors for fun and sports.


However, as a teacher, careful planning and creative thinking are required to organise a memorable sports day. So, to help you out, in this article, we will explore top sports day games, non-physical activities, and some charity fundraising ideas that will help make your school’s sports day come first place!

Top Sports Day Games & How to Play

When it comes to sports day games, there are some classic activities you must include. Here are some of the most popular and nostalgic sports day games and how to play them!

Sack Race

This sports day favourite requires players to hop inside a potato sack and race to the finish line. It may sound simple, but it’s tougher than it looks. You’ll need plenty of potato sacks to set up and mark a starting and finish line. Then, on the signal, players hop towards the finish line, and the first person to cross it is declared the winner.

Top Tip – This is a great one to get the parents and staff involved, too!

Three-Legged Race

Tell your students to get into pairs and tie one leg to their partner’s leg. The three-legged race aims to run together and pass the finish line quickly. But players, be warned you need coordination and teamwork for this one.

Egg and Spoon Race

When else can you enjoy an egg and spoon race other than a school’s sports day? This one is easy to organise as all you need is plenty of eggs (or something of a similar shape) and some spoons. Players must balance the egg on the spoon and race to the finish line without dropping it. Every time the egg drops, the players must return to the start line and try again.

Tug of War

The tug of war is the perfect sports day game that the whole class can get involved in. All you need is a long, strong rope to divide players into two teams. Then, have both teams pull on opposite ends of a rope until one team pulls the other across the designated line. This is a great activity to promote teamwork and strategy to your students.

Non-Physical Sports Day Activities & Competition Ideas

When organising your sports day event, then it’s important to ensure that all your students can get involved – no matter their physical abilities. This is why we think it’s so important to plan sports day activities that are non-physical as well. For example, a mental game or competition is a great way for the whole class to get involved. So here are a few options you could choose from.

Sports Quiz

A great non-physical sports day activity is a quiz. This offers the opportunity to increase students’ knowledge of sports trivia through a quiz competition. Prepare some questions covering a range of sports, sporting rules, famous athletes, and historical sporting events. You can make the questions as difficult or as easy as you want and even make multiple quiz questions for different age groups.

Mind Games Tournament

While physical competitions might not be for everyone, mental competitions may be another popular option. You can set up mind game tournaments for students who want to get their brains working, and you can include mind games such as chess, sudoku, or a timed word search. A Rubik’s Cube competition is always fun too!

Charity Fundraising Ideas for Sports Day

Another way to make your school’s sports day a success is to include some school fundraising activities in the fun.

Sponsored Sports Challenges

You can get students, staff, and parents involved in sponsored sports challenges such as cycling events, marathon runs, or a mixture of classic sports day games to raise money for the school or a charitable cause.


No school event is complete without a raffle draw, as they’re an easy way to get everyone involved and raise some money. Ask local businesses, sponsors, staff, and parents to donate any prizes and then sell raffle tickets before the event or on the day.

School sports days provide the perfect opportunity for students to engage in fun activities, develop their teamwork skills, and raise money for charity. By following our tips and activity ideas, you can organise a sports day in which all students can participate. Let the games begin!

For top tips on How to Celebrate Red Nose Day 2024Fundraising Ideas for Your School, or How to Use Google Classroom, check out our teacher-related blog content here!