
Tips To Beat The January Blues

It’s the first month of the year, January, which may be making you feel blue for many reasons. No matter who you are, it can affect people in different ways, for reasons such as the weather, New Year phobia, the anti-climax of Christmas, money issues, and the list goes on!

However, this year has begun with even more reasons as to why you might be feeling down, such as the lockdown and not being able to see friends and family that you would normally rely on for support.

We want to do our best to help you overcome the blustery blue! Here are some simple tips that may help to beat the blues.

Don’t get caught up in New Year’s Resolutions.

People tend to make New Year’s Resolutions out of guilt, such as ‘I’m going to lose weight next month’ just because you ate a little bit too much over Christmas, which is perfectly fine! But when you don’t end up exercising or dieting you then feel down about breaking your New Year’s Resolution already. If you are going to make resolutions, then make them achievable, such as over the year, so if you do mess up one month, then that’s fine you can do better the month after.

This is normal

Don’t feel like this is just you. You are not alone in this. In fact, most people feel down in January, maybe it is because of the stigma around Blue Monday, but as said previously, there are lots of reasons why you may be feeling down but do not worry, brighter days are coming.

Get outside

Lack of daylight can make you feel low and trapped. This is usually why people get the ‘Winter Blues’ as they feel stuck indoors. Just because it’s cold and wet does not mean you can’t get outside and get some fresh air, even if it’s a walk up and down the street or just standing outside for a few minutes to get a breath of fresh air. This is especially important if you are working from home, take a break, get outside and breath in the fresh air.

Get up & get active

I know it may seem hard to get up and exercise in this weather with nothing to look forward to but trust us when we say once you’ve done a workout the feeling afterwards will be worth it. You can find lots of home workouts on YouTube and Instagram now that are quick and snappy and don’t take up too much time.

Eat properly

No one can deny that this weather makes us want to eat every bad food there is. We’re not going to sit here and tell you no, you can’t do that, but what we will say is eat in moderation.

Sugary and junk food may make you feel good in the moment you are eating it but the feeling after makes you feel sluggish and filled with regret. A good way to make eating healthy fun is by learning to cook! This could also be your new lockdown hobby.

Do something new

We all have too much time on our hands right now, so instead of sitting in front of the TV binge-watching Netflix, why don’t you find a new hobby or take up the hobby you’ve always wanted to do? Make a plan and take the plunge to start it.

Here are some of our other blogs, if you are struggling, that can help you beat the blues:

Stay Active At Home

Best Apps And Podcasts For Improving Mental Health

A Teacher’s Guide to Back to School

10 Ways to Save on your Weekly Food Shop

Remember, Teachers and Education Staff in all roles can sign up for free to get access to hundreds of more discounts and offers.

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